Senior Pastor

Director of Christian Education
The ministry of Rev. Harry and Sara (Sally) Chapman began in earnest with a desire to establish a Reformed church in the fastest growing city in New Mexico, Rio Rancho. In 1997 Presbytery del Cristo constituted Westside Cumberland Presbyterian Church (WCPC). Founding Pastor Harry and wife Sally are native New Mexicans and high school sweethearts. Graduates of the University of New Mexico, Sally continued graduate studies in flute at UNM and DePaul University, Chicago and is a director of the family business, Hummingbird Music Camp. She also taught in the Albuquerque Public Schools. Harry found a marketing business, was featured marketing host for the Automotive Satellite Television Network (“Truth in Marketing”) and a Christian radio host. Together, they were called to full time ministry in 1992. Harry received an M-Div. and Sally an MA in Counseling from Denver Seminary at which time Harry sold his business in 1996 and Sally, LPCC, joined the staff of Formation Counseling Services. They hope to launch a satellite office for FCS in the new WCPC building. The Chapmans share a love and compassion for the people of New Mexico. For twenty years Sally devoted herself to leading worship music at Westside and is now Director of Christian Education.

Associate Lay Minister &
Office Manager
Nancy (along with husband, Steve) is a charter member of WCPC and recently graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Religion (MAR). Formerly a Teaching Leader with Bible Study Fellowship, Nancy has been active in Christian Education at Westside for many years. She and Steve have two adult children (who grew up at Westside) and a new puppy that keeps them very busy!

Director of Music
Kristen, a charter member at Westside, is the mother of three boys: one in college, one in high school, and one in middle school. Kristen studied violin at Northern Arizona University and is orchestra director at Hummingbird Music Camp. She also teaches music in the Rio Rancho Public Schools in addition to giving private violin lessons.

Kori’s Kid’s Korner
Kori, also a charter member at Westside, was in third grade when the church opened! Upon graduating from Scripps College (BA in Psychology) and Claremont Graduate University (MA in Elementary Education), Kori returned to New Mexico to settle in Rio Rancho, with husband Danny, where she taught elementary education in the Rio Rancho Public Schools. Kori leads our Hospitality and Usher/Greeter Ministries and delivers the Youth Messages during worship. Kori and Danny have three young children.

Youth Group Leaders
Tom & Ida came to New Mexico by way of Seattle, Washington and various locations on the east coast. Tom is a Fiduciary & Trust Officer with Bank of the West and Ida is a professional opera singer and voice instructor sharing her gift not only with Westside Church but the greater Rio Rancho community. Their children, Emma and Hannah, are both in college. Tom and Ida are looking forward to our new church building as a home for Youth Group charitable projects and meetings.

Westside Prison Outreach
Gary joined Westside within a year of its inception and has recently been pursuing ordained pastoral ministry through the Program of Alternate Studies (PAS) in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and just completed the required undergraduate work toward becoming a pastor. Gary and wife, Kathleen, have six children between them and 15 grandchildren!

Assisting Pastor
Rev. Clay Bower and wife, Sherry, come to us from Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Pastor Clay received his M-DIV from Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina and served in churches in the area before he and Sherry returned to New Mexico. Pastor Clay is ordained in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church as an itinerant evangelist and Christian educator. We are truly blessed by Pastor Clay’s self-less ministry to our church!