June-December 2021: JOE’S TO-GO

PURCHASE a Spaghetti & Meatball TO-GO BUCKET from Joe’s Pasta House in Rio Rancho (3201 Southern Blvd SE, 892-3333) and ALL PROCEEDS will go to the Church!
$50 donation per bucket, feeds 4-6, includes homemade loaf of bread and salad, certificates good through 12.31.21.
PURCHASE certificates at church or ORDER by email tonimiley@gmail.com or phone (505) 459-2117.
Certificates limited to 50 so ACT FAST!

March 2021: MASK IT UP
Suggested donation – $10. To order, go to CONTACT US and give us your NAME and MAILING ADDRESS and NUMBER of masks you would like to order. Online payment can be made at GIVE. Thank you!!!

January 2021: GOFUNDME